Thursday, August 14, 2008


Photo 1. From left; L. Lkhavagsuren, J. Uuriintuya, L. Bumandorj, D. Ganbat, T. Tsegmid, J. Morgan and J. McDonald. After exhibition opening. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. April 2007.

Photo 2. From left; T. Tsegmid, Karen Heald, Juliet McDonald and Jill Morgan. At the exhibition opening. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. 2007

I would like to say 'big thanks' to everyone who contributed to ODOO/CURRENT. My special thanks goes to Juliet McDonald who worked as a coordinator, Jill Morgan as a curator, Megan. L. Smith as a fundraiser. I was fortunate to recieve great support from Mr D. Ganbat, Head of Undergraduate Studies at Institute of Fine Arts of Mongolia and my family.

One year on, I met many artists and students still talk about ODOO/CURRENT exhibition and how much impact it has made on their art practice.

For once, I want to break the rule of a quiet english style, and say following;

ODOO/CURRENT was a huge success in Mongolia, a much bigger deal than we have ever imagined. Everyone who was part of this exhibition, should be proud of what you have achieved and your piece of creativity had a power to make difference. Behalf of artists of Mongolia, thank you very much for your effort!

Tsendpurev (Cindy) Tsegmid

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